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FAQs  - We,ve answered most of your doubts & myths here

How an Integrated Fitness program can help you achieve your fitness goals?

            An Integrated Fitness program comprises Strength, Conditioning & High Interval & Mobility & Flexibility based workouts that can help in improving your cardiovascular health, Strength & endurance, and Flexibility.


What features will I get access to if I join DYOFITX® training?


What does your program include?

            DYOFITXTM Training offers both In-person & Virtual sessions.


I’m new / I stopped lifting a long time, how do I restart my fitness?

            In order to restart your fitness journey after a long time, you need a structured fitness program and supportive trainers. And at DYO Fitness Club the training is designed considering people of all fitness levels and supportive trainers would make your comeback a lot easier.


My energy levels are better but I have not lost weight.

            It is only when your body fat drops that your body feels light (lesser lag) and hence the increase in energy levels.


My size is shrinking but I have not lost weight.

            It is only when the body fat drops that the volume shrinks and hence the drop in size. It may be accompanied by a gain in lean body weight and so no drop in overall weight.


Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?

            Eating a healthy diet does not ensure that you will lose weight. Your weight is a balance between the calories you take in and the calories you burn. You will lose weight if you eat a low-calorie diet in which you burn off more calories than you take in, and you will gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn off. Adding physical activity allows you to burn more calories than dieting alone.

Any weight-loss plan that includes regular exercise is not only more successful — it's also healthier. By eating a healthy diet and exercising, you're keeping your bones, muscles, and heart strong and decreasing your risk of developing some diseases. Even if you don't necessarily lose weight, you will be healthier and you will feel and look better too.​


Should I consult a specialist before starting my workout?


What if I have Joint Pain issues or underwent surgery in the past?

It is noteworthy to see if your fitness program involves you consulting a Doctor prior to starting your fitness regime. Consultation with a specialist is necessary if you have undergone certain surgeries in the past or if you have any physical or physiological complications.


How long does it take to see results? What is the guarantee?


How long does it take to see results?

            People get results at a different paces, so it’s nearly impossible to guarantee results to a client. But a con artist will make promises that sound too good to be true just to make a sale. It’s hard to say for sure because every person is different but generally our clients lose an average of 5-10 Kgs in a three-month period. It really just depends on their body composition and how much effort they put into the program.


When you start a new exercise program and are consistent with the workouts done, typically report improvements in sleep, mood, and energy levels. Changes in body composition often take longer to notice; the more consistent you are with your workouts and with healthy nutrition the more results will become noticeable (to you and to others too!).


My goal is to build muscle mass and get stronger. What kind of workouts can help with that?

            For building strength & muscle you will need a well-designed weight training program that primarily utilizes free weights & compound (multi-joint) exercises. DYOFITX® Training is an Integrated training program that would assist you with the same and more sustainable approach with a healthy calorie intake.

My goal is to lose weight. What is the best course of action for someone like me?

            When it comes to losing weight you need a combination of weight or resistance training and cardiovascular exercise. Many people make the error of performing too much cardio and neglecting weightlifting, thinking that only treadmills and stationary bikes are responsible for burning fat – but this is far from true. Weight training helps to stimulate the metabolism (so that you become a fat-burning machine), change the “composition” of your body, and bring about the shape and contours. At least 3-5 days per week lifting weights and 4-5 performing cardio – preferably first thing in the morning or right after resistance training.


How much exercise a day do children need?

Children across ages need to perform an exercise at least an average of 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity, across the week.


How many days per week do I need to work out?

3 to 4 days of moderate to high-intensity activity.


Can workouts assist in increasing testosterone levels?

Exercises, including heavy lifting & High-Intensity Interval Training, are one of the

most effective ways to boost your testosterone & also to prevent many lifestyle-related diseases.


When should I rely on dietary supplementation?

            At the beginning of your health and fitness journey, the main focus should be on implementing an intelligent/efficient workout regimen and a healthy/balanced nutrition program. Anyone who tells you to immediately jump on all sorts of sports supplements is either misinformed or trying to make a buck. After spending 8-12 solid weeks in the gym, working hard and consistently, while carefully following a sound diet, it is then appropriate to think about adding some basic, scientifically validated supplements into the mix.

Is it compulsory to take supplements to attain our Fitness goals?

At the beginning of your health and fitness journey, the main focus should be on implementing an intelligent/efficient workout regimen and a healthy/balanced nutrition program. Anyone who tells you to immediately jump on all sorts of sports supplements is either misinformed or trying to make a buck. After spending 8-12 solid weeks in the gym, working hard and consistently, while carefully following a sound diet, it is then appropriate to think about adding some basic, scientifically validated supplements into the mix.


Should I resort to fat loss supplements for faster results?

Fat loss supplements may assist in weight loss, but they come with their own risks and its effect on people are different. Reducing calorie intake (with adequate protein & other macros input) and regular exercise is still the safest and most effective way to lose weight and keep it off, and it works pretty well.


Why should I consult a dietician?

            Your relationship with food needs help, You want help with meal planning.

 You are experiencing hormonal issues including (but not limited to): loss of menstruation, lack of sex drive (or ability to perform), infertility issues, etc, You are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant. You want to manage your weight. You have been diagnosed with a chronic disease.

What can I do about overeating?

            Overeating can be due to stress or hormonal imbalance. First, figure out what causes it and then act on it. Meditation to reduce stress,  Doctor consultation for hormonal imbalance, Tracking your calorie intake, and Eating healthy & consciously can help you control over-eating.

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